Mrinalini Sisodia Wadhwa

Mrinalini is a student in Columbia College (CC’24) majoring in History and Mathematics, who serves as 2023 co-Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Undergraduate Law Review. Her interests lie in the intersections of legal history, international and comparative law, and gender justice.

Articles Written:

Resolution for WWII ‘Comfort Women’: Korea, Japan, and the International Court of Justice

Bringing Sex Discrimination Under Strict Scrutiny: The Need for an Equal Rights Amendment

Articles Edited:

Consequences of Plea Bargaining: In Consideration of the Rights of the Accused,” written by Mariah Johnson

In No One’s “Best Interest”: The Hidden Racialized Impact of the Family Regulations System,” written by Joanne Park

Current Events Articles Edited:

Supreme Court (In)action on Texas’s S.B. 8: The Growing Vulnerability of Abortion Rights,” written by Isabel Coberly

Upholding CEDAW: The Fight for Gender Equality in Kenyan Marriage Law,” written by Genevieve Cabadas

Poland and the EU: Legal Supremacy and Fragmentation,” written by Jennifer Su

How a Forthcoming Supreme Court Decision Could Trigger A New Era of Weakened Gun Laws,” written by Kate Strong